
We are The Wambergs

We are honored you’re here.

The short version is that Jesus delivered each of us from a whole lotta’ mess. We are called to partner with Holy Spirit to empower people in the process of overcoming their own.

We were ordained as pastors on our wedding day by Pastor Anthony Turner, through Destiny Ministries International. We followed Holy Spirit into leading house churches full of young adults hungry for more of God. During that time, two main focuses of our lives in ministry were solidified: inner healing and deliverance.

We believe Jesus is perfect theology and the freedom he operates with is available to all of us through relationship with Holy Spirit. We are, each of us, designed with a unique purpose. The world around us needs us to be who we truly are - who God designed us to be!

To that end, our goal as coaches is to partner with you to step into freedom from all bondage through dependence on Holy Spirit and personal responsibility.

 I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than nothing compared to the magnitude of glory that is about to be unveiled within us.

The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters!

For against its will the universe itself has had to endure the empty futility resulting from the consequences of human sin. But now, with eager expectation, all creation longs for freedom from its slavery to decay and to experience with us the wonderful freedom coming to God’s children.

— Romans 8:18-21, The Passion Translation

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Our History

Ben and Brittany are happily married (for seven years) with three children who are all still alive and kicking.

They are both ordained as Ministers of the Gospel through Destiny Ministries International, a ministry under the covering of Harvest International Ministries. (They were actually ordained on their wedding day, moments before this photo was taken.) As ministers, they have led home churches and functioned as itinerant pastors for the last seven years.

Brittany has a heart of compassion. Heavily invested in missions as both a member and leader of multiple extended trips, internationally, she has developed God’s calling on her life for the mission field into a deeply held passion and learned expertise by engaging with people all over the world. Connecting with the Bride around the globe by listening to people’s stories, building relationships with them, ministering, and preaching.

Brittany has also developed her leadership training skills through over a decade of work with Cross Bearing Adventures. As a high and low ropes guide, she continually served teams by drawing out “the gold” in people - facilitating growth in leadership, communication, problem solving, and conflict resolution skills.

Ben has worked, served, and volunteered as a worship leader, pastor, mentor for over thirteen years at ministries such as WorshipMob, First Baptist Church, Black Forest’s college ministry, Fuel, and more recently, Mission Church in North Omaha. He has the privilege to work on leadership teams in multiple denominations and is passionate about the Bride valuing her whole self, no matter the differences therein. Ben is gifted in prophecy, words of knowledge, healing, and exhortation.


Our Marriage

Of all the amazing things God has done for us, perhaps the biggest, or the one that we feel Holy Spirit highlight the most with us, is that our marriage is built on listening to God, together. From before we decided we were going get married all the way up to now, even as I write this (because we’re asking God what to focus on, here), our successes in life are all because God spoke to us along the way

Our top priority is following Holy Spirit’s voice and that leading is why we are successful in life - why our marriage is solid, why are kids are well-loved, why we are called to coaching in the first place - it’s all because of our relationship with Holy Spirit. He has our best interests at heart, well before we have come around to His way of thinking and because He’s such a phenomenal teacher, He knows just how to get us to breakthrough from wherever we are currently at.

Allowing God to work in and through us to help us from one victory to the next is how all of the sweat equity we put into our lives becomes fully realized. God leads us to greater victory, greater service to and encounters with Him.

How We Approach Marriage

Marriage in the Kingdom of God is a presence-driven, communication-focused, self-sacrificial covenant relationship.

Marriage is to be a picture of Jesus and His Bride. How Jesus lived and died on our behalf, that is our model for life as a spouse. At its core, marriage is a covenant between two people and God. How do we fulfill this covenant? By loving God and people. In this case, loving one specific person, engaged in a level of partnership that is wholly unique where all of who we are is laid down as a foundation to serve the other.

Love has no greater [example] than this: that a man would lay his life down for his friends.

Presence-driven: To set a goal of making space for Holy Spirit to be the guest of honor in our marriages, to aim our hearts and ears at Him and let His freshly spoken word be the highest deciding factor for us.

Communication-focused: to share perspectives healthily, in vulnerable honesty, with love as the core of all interaction between partners and one another, and partners and God. Communication is the cornerstone of relationship - relationship literally cannot exist without it.

Self-sacrificial: With Jesus as the perfect example to follow we lay our lives down for one another so we can achieve things we wouldn’t have been able to without one another’s sacrifice.

Covenant Relationship: An agreement made first to God, then to one another where promises kept equate in part to benefits gained.

These ideas are one way to explain the way we choose to make God, and following God’s voice, the core of our marriage. We have an opportunity on the daily to love one another just like God loves us.

The Wambergs have taken wisdom from:

Awakened to Destiny, (Dr. Randy Clark, Bill Johnson, Tom Jones, Will Hart)

Deeper Dimensions in Deliverance, (Linda and Eric Sloan, The Transformation Group, LLC.)

Sozo Basic Training Curriculum, (Dawna DeSilva, Terheasa Liebscher, Bethel Church)

Life Academy Courses (loplifeacademy.com)

Thousands of hours dedicated to learning from mentors, teachings by brilliant teachers from all over the planet, and our own time being coached personally, being married, and last, but certainly not least, being parents.